

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Summer and vulgarity

The last couple of days its been around 33 degrees, fortunately, it was a chilly 30 last night. I swear whichever cheapass designed my house built it during winter. I went out for a jog yesterday, and you know it's hot when you're dripping sweat while stretching.

So there's this new pornographic film out which is being sued cos it got filmed in a food van and there are other issues, blah blah blah. So the film starts with a guy asking the chick selling food: "You got anything vegetarian?" and she replies: "No, but I got something vagitarian." O the sophistication.

I was watching QI last night and Stephen Fry went nuts with sexual innuendos. He told a story of how he met the Duke of Westminster, and when someone asked him if they became friends, he replied: "No, I never got a chance to penetrate his intimate circle". Apparently there's a pub which has a sign that says "Liqour at the front, poker in the back". Say that fast and you'll get it.

Something which is quite scary is the fact that the age of consent in the Vatican City is only 12 years old. This means that if a 12 year old consents, the pope can fuck 'im. Why am I not surprised.

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