

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Spiders, baby got front and birds

Today I was walking and saw a spider web. I was so close to walking into it I fully flipped. It made me realise something, and that's the fear of the unknown. Thinking back, I don't feel any fear if there's a spider in front of me, cos it's right there. However if there's only a web, I wanna know where that little fucker is. Is it on me? What if it's laying eggs on me as I speak? AHHHH!!

After the spider web I saw a chick from behind who looked like she was hot, but when she turned around, she showed off her fatass stomach and ogre face. This is an interesting thing I've come across many times in my past. What's even scarier is when the front half looks hot, but it turns out to be a man. This next image shows what I'm talking about.

This is what should be dubbed 'Baby got Front'.

I was watching the news today and saw that in the US 5000 birds died simultaneously in one place. In one day. At New Years Eve. When fireworks were being shot into the sky. LOL.

I can't think of a good quote from the fireworks episode that actually refers to fireworks, but the silver haired devil (Not Gundam) will always have a smart thing to say.

"Even if you lose all memory in your head, the ones engraved in your heart, and the ones that exist in your soul will never disappear, no matter what happens."

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