

Friday, January 21, 2011

Anime and old people

I regularly browse Sporcle for fun games and and ran into some anime related ones. 101 Anime Openings I have posted before, which I scored 37. However it's been six months since I last played that one and my score has improved to 69. No need to play that one again. Name the Anime is a long one, it was tl;dr so I only got 51, but still a good test of knowledge.

My grandma got some mail and wanted me to check whether it was sent to her or not. It annoys me deeply that she's been in and out of the country for 15 years and doesn't know how to read her own name in English. I mean, 15 years ago I couldn't differ between red and orange, but now I'm doing skilled activities such as playing Rainbow Ninja. Sometimes peoples' laziness to learn new stuff is just unbelievable.

So I finally caught up to One Piece and it made me realise just how slow manga is. At about chapter 570, I realised I was still about a year off from the newest chapter. I read the last 40 odd chapters in a day and a half, yet it took about 9 months to draw it. Gotta give some respect to mangakas and translators too.

On that note, I gotta give creds to the translators of the No Laughing Spy game. Almost complete, absolutely cannot wait. Gooooo Chono!

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