

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Floods and old friends

In case any one reading this lives under a rock in a cave, recently in Queensland there have been some horrible floods. Why do I say it's horrible? Cos now nothing is on TV. Seriously, about 12 hours a day on at least 4 channels played crap about how bad the situation is. Ye we get it! Shit happened. There is a channel called ABC News especially for news. USE IT. And seriously, it wasn't even devastating in terms of K/D ratio. Most natural disasters take thousands or tens of thousands of lives. This didn't even take tens. For all those who think I'm being horrible, I already bought a first class ticket to hell by laughing at Sickipedia, and now I'm booking an express flight.

This afternoon I want for a walk 'for health' and saw some Asian guy about my age. I thought to myself, I've lived here 12 years and I know every kid who grew up here but I don't recognise this guy. When I was younger, I knew every single person between the ages of 5 and 12 within half a kilometre. So to meet a new face startled me. Also since my mum talks about realty a lot, I don't remember new people moving in around the area. Dismissing it, I continued to walk. Only for him to say 'hey' to me. Only for me to realise it's a guy I was really good friends with for about 5 years. It was really awkward since I walked right past him without recognising him. Really makes me think about the paths I've taken in life, and how I've left so much behind. I began to have one of those deep moments where you take a trip down memory lane, and question "What have I done with my life? Where will I go in the future?" It also made me wonder who my friends will be in the future, (since I was still good friends with this guy in early-mid year 9). With university looming in the near future, I wonder who I'll become and how I'll interact with other people. Thinking back to primary school, I realise I was a totally different person to what I am now. Will I remain the same? Or will I once again metamorphosise into a persona that fits the people I hang out with?

Apologies for the random deep thoughts, but maybe it's a good idea to have a thought about aspects of life outside of ATAR, family, hobbies, anime, games etc. Maybe you will have an epiphany and change everything you are. Drop out of school and become a silver haired samurai. Who knows what the future may hold.

“You are the same today that you are going to be in five years from now except for two things: the people with whom you associate and the books you read.” -Charles Jones.

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