

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Films, TV, Books and public nudity

There's this new movie coming out called The Black Swan. At first glance it seems like a boring ballet film. But reading a review I found out it's actually a horror film delving into psychological issues. More importantly there's a lesbian sex scene. Suddenly sounds like a not-so-boring ballet film.

For those that have televisions, you should have noticed an annual sporting event known as the Australian Open. I was watching a regular women's match that had nothing going on until a commentator said: "She's penetrating her opponent with her balls." Thank god for commentary.

Some may have read the book "General Ignorance", and for those who haven't it's a definite must read. It contains a multitude of facts regarding everyday knowledge we take for granted. And then proves them wrong. Fortunately the authors have come up with a second book which I am enjoying verily much so. Some interesting facts I've learned in the first 50 pages include: oranges aren't orange, Darwin never studied finches, snakes have 2 penises, octopuses lose their penises during sex, octopuses is a better word than octopi scientifically, there is a species of gorilla with a scientific name of gorilla gorilla gorilla, water doesn't freeze at zero degrees celsius and fish don't exist. For explanations of these arguments go borrow "The second book of general ignorance" by John Lloyd and John Mitchinson.

Due to an extreme case of laziness, I walked out of the pool today with a towel around my waist instead of pants. Due to an extreme case of retardation, I took off my towel without realising I was in public. At least it ticks off one of my life goals: "Hang out with my wang out".

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