

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Swimming pools, garages, primary school

So I've gone swimming recently and I've wondered, if you work hard enough, do you/can you sweat while swimming? I can't really tell since I'm wet and not feeling hot. From what I know you need to feel hot for your body to release sweat, not sure if that's correct. Just a ponderism.

Today my mum made me clean out our garage which has about 20 years of crap in there. Among it I found: novels from the 70's and 80's, 1990 SD and IT textbooks (Lolled at tower-sized hard drives), heaps of empty cardboard boxes (Some contained about 5 kgs of air, absolutely amazing), a copy of almost everything we have in the kitchen (Who the fuck buys a spare toaster?), and a book on "How to knit clothes". After lugging huge boxes around for a while, there were some black lumps I saw everywhere, including a few pieces stuck on my shirt. 'What kinda shit is this?' I wondered. The answer was rat. It caused me to elicit this kind of response.

I recently discovered that a game I played in primary which had been shut down for a while is back up. FlashFlashRevolution is a game like DDR but with arrow keys. Extremely addictive if you find a fun song to play. Includes some classics like The Entertainer, Flight of the Bumblebee (Hard as anal rape), The Tetris Game song etc. but mostly technoey crap. Still, it's good to bring back some memories.

Which brings me to Pooya. For those that don't know, Pooya (real name Poya), was an Iranian dumbass in my old school, who believed he's Persian. Among his quirks include an imaginary religion which disallows him from watching the Simpsons. Might I add that he's retarded? I remember he used to eat by ripping his food to shreds, and shovelling it into his mouth like a fucktard. He was my first friend, but after getting beat up for 6 months for befriending him, I was like Fuck Off. One time I got a brick chucked at me, so don't go judging me so soon. There were countless stories which people from Ermo would laugh at so much. Go up to Ragu and say "Who was Pointy567?" and he's guaranteed to ROFL. My favourite prank on Pooya was locking him inside the toilets and pretending we were going to die in there. Oh how he cried. But the best story about him was the rumour he had to drop out of high school due to penile gangrene. PFffft!!! HAHAHAAHA

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