

Friday, January 7, 2011

P plates, thieving and random noobery

Today I finally went to get my P's, 17 years old and 1 month. I thought it was funny that it started raining 5 minutes before I started, and became sunny 5 minutes after I was done.
Within 5 minutes of the actual exam, I lost all 3 points in an attempted 3 point turn (funny how the title is also the score). But I brought it back in the end to score 104.

The other day I was watching 'The Trophy Room', and some guy fully dissed a chick with the nickname 'Ashes'. She's been given a lot of stuff but according to him she's been a little bitch about it. I won't go into the full story, but point is he really showed his dislike of her. I thought it was hilarious when it turned out she was the guest star on the show. That was an awkward greeting.

I went out to have lunch today and I've always wondered why they give you a small plate of chili sauce at yamcha. Who actually finishes that off? The most I've ever used is like 2 dips.
Wouldn't stores save shitloads of money if they didn't supply that to everyone? Seems pretty dumb to me. While there I also noticed chandeliers on the roof. I noticed that this particular one fully covered up the lightbulb, looking much like an upside down dome the size of a table. I would rather have anal than try to change that mother bitch.

While at the shops I saw some old people at the fruit/veg shop pull off an awesome heist. They got a few bags full of stuff and ran off with it. How does this heist work you may ask? Well they can always play the 'Old Card'. E.g. "Oops! I forgot to pay! Silly me." Finally there's a reason to live past 60!

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