

Monday, January 3, 2011

A splosion, health

So my family finally asploded today, with lots of Asian screaming and yelling. Too much hate in the air, should have bought some air purifiers. So my grandma is finally leaving back to China and my mum is bound to blame me again. She's beginning with ridiculous comments. Example is today I was reading manga, and she comes in and says that game looks very tiring, it's better if I do maths instead. Wha- how-

She actually read a page over my shoulder and called it a game. Fagshitcockmuffin.

On a more random note, I sat down while farting today and whistled through my ass. That definitely brightened my day.

The song 'Under Pressure' is so awesome it anally rapes Vanilla Ice. Listen to the first 2 bars and you'll know what I mean.

I watched videos on Youtube and have spent much time practicing the Wookiee sound that Chewbacca makes. Before you try it, I must warn you that it dries your throat like sucking Spongebob's dick. I've had to drink so much water to continue practice sessions, I spend half the day pissing.

In the past year since I've stopped doing PE, I realise I get no exercise. Every part of my body is starting to act like it's really old and retarded. Hope I don't lose some chromosomes. I seriously think I should start gymming or something. Recently I've noticed my teeth are not so white and out of shape, maybe should spend thousands of dollars on cosmetic braces like a certain sibling. Or become a driller?

"Driller?! What the hell's a driller?! Why do you have your own drill?! He's crazy! No fear of drills!"

Let's just hope the next time I go to the dentist I don't get a part of me dipped in ponzu sauce, nor get Battle Fairy Shazzan as my nurse.

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