

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Holidays ends, super summer

So at the end of the holidays, I got ridiculously bored from being capped and having my computer time limited, so I ended up watching midday television. Despite how boring it normally is, the film "From here to Eternity" was on. Of course at first I was like "Could it get any worse?", but it turned out to be a decent film, despite being a war romance from 1953. The only other thing on was the tennis. Most of the matches I ended up watching were doubles or women's matches. And it made me realise, there are about 3 hot chicks in tennis. Why the hell are they all so manly looking? Check up images of Schiavone. Brix will be shat.

So I'm looking forward to tonight, because it's dropped a whole degree in the last 2 hours, down to a cool 37 degrees in my room. I am now able to add a new list of activities which I consider 'exercise'. These include: mouse clicking, blinking, breathing, standing up, sitting down and bowel movements. It is so hot in my room, when I turned on my computer, the fan instantly went to max to compensate for the overheating. O! If only we'd invented green shopping bags sooner. At least the oncoming ice age should take care of it.

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