

Friday, February 18, 2011

Materialism and disappointments

On the way home today I saw a big sign on the back of a bus that said something along the lines of prepaid funerals. I can't believe someone was dumb enough to start a business like that. Nor could anyone be dumb enough to actually purchase their own funeral. I hope.

So last night I finally got around to watching the Black Swan. It was severely boring and really was a boring ballet film which I originally thought it would be. The horror was 3rd class and the sex scenes were severely disturbed. The movie also ended awfully with a totally impossible resolution (a girl gets stabbed, temporarily stops bleeding so she can dance for half an hour, then starts bleeding again after the dance, while during the whole dance no one notices a patch of blood on her dress). Also because I got bored, I accidentally fast-forwarded past the 'bating scene. Damn.

Although I am unclear as of the details, I heard about the dressing down the girls received to get dressed up. The word "prostitutes" was thrown around a bit. Somehow a teacher has managed to say something intending to help one gender, but pissing off both. Well done.

To conclude a crappy week, I must now go explain to my mum 'The reasons why I don't want remedial English classes in the morning with Mason'.

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