

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Failures and nostalgia

So on the weekend my maths tutor suggested I get tested for retardation because of how slow I was doing a superannuation question. What an ass.

One of the funniest news fails finally happened on Australian television. Fortunately for them no one was watching the news at 6 in the morning, however that doesn't mean it didn't get on the internet. Channel Nine News decided to be funny and make penis jokes. Thank god for the internet.

About two nights ago I was attacked by a blanket monster with a pole. Turns out it was my curtain falling on me. But while half asleep at 2am, I seriously thought I was getting attacked, and wondered why my blanket was attached to a pole.

To add to my sleeping troubles, yesterday afternoon I was taking a nap when I was awoken by horrible calf muscles. I somehow pulled a muscle sleeping and can't straighten out my leg anymore. Failure of the month nominee.

So I was browsing Facebook and I somehow found my sister's page. Considering I started with people in our grade it shows how far Facebook has snuck into our lives. Upon further explorations, I found heaps of people I haven't spoken to since year 4 or 6 (years in which I left schools). It was weird looking at profiles of people I used to consider really good friends, but now think are just some random strangers who I once met.

Anyway, enough of nostalgia, here's a guitar music video with a girl having fake orgasms with a guitar. NSFW. Not really safe anywhere actually, listen/watch in your own privacy. Music Video

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