

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Edwin's house and Dragonball

Recently I started watching Dragonball and I’m so hooked, despite watching it in English. The funniest thing is that they couldn’t hire the right actors to voice the characters. For example, Bulma has a normal American accent, but her dad has a British accent and her mom has a southern drawl, even though they live in something resembling Japan. The most hilarious voice however, must go to Commander Red, who is Scottish. Half way through an arc his voice changed into an American accent. Later on in the arc, halfway through a sentence it turned Scottish again. How fricken poor were the producers.

So on Tuesday a lot of people gathered at Edwin’s house and thanks to Edwin for organising such an awesome day. Not sure about most people but I had the best travel experience on the way there. First I waited on the wrong side of the road for the 521, and watched it drive away on the other side. So I ran to the next suburb to catch the M52. I expected to get off at West Ryde station and catch a train from there, but I was so smart I got off on the wrong stop, leading to about 10 minutes of exploring the back streets of West Ryde looking for the station. Upon arrival, I saw a train arriving, and it was going to Epping which was my destination, so I hopped on. Only to realise the next stop was Denistone, meaning I was going the wrong way. So being a genius such as I, I quickly jumped onto Denistone station to wait for a train going back to West Ryde, only to realise that was the right train I just got off. After a gaming marathon which really deserves the name 'marathon', I left at 11am the next day, 26 hours without sleeping. On the way home I was buying a ticket from Cheltenham station and since I’m so clever, I didn’t realise the machine clearly said ‘No Coins’, and looked very smart in front of a line of people trying to shove coins into the blocked slot. Finally sleep took over at 1pm.

Anyway I just can't say how awesome the day/night at Edwin's house was. Thanks again =). And now some quotes:

"Why are you under me?"
"That's what she said"

"Why are you on top of me?"
"That's what she said"

"Fuck you, you motherbitch!"

"Let's go kill some bitches!" <--(My favourite)

Long live Oddball.

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