

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bloopers and family

Throughout the history of film and television there has been countless mistakes made on screen. Some famous ones include the wristwatch which can be glimpsed in the film Hero, and the car in the background of Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring. Recently I've been watching Chuck which is an American TV series for those who don't know. In one episode Chuck notices a scrunched up $100 bill lying on the ground, when he picks it up, it is brand new and has no crinkle lines. Another episode some guy is drinking a martini with two olives lying in it. The camera swings away for no more than 2 seconds and the olives are now impaled on a toothpick in his hand. Can't people edit stuff before they show it? It's not much of a problem but it just shows nubcakery and unprofessionalism.

Again I must complain about my family. My grandma has been cooking for many years, but the other day she cooked the same type of fish she has made many times before, way too long. So long, the surface of the fish looked like it had smegma on it. I shit you not. It was horrifying to eat. Onto other food related retardations, my mum has been buying and eating almonds for the last 5 years at the least. She is a health freak so a wide variety of nuts are always present in the kitchen. During our shopping trip today, my sister exclaimed in surprise upon discovery of almonds. She had never known what almonds were. How is that possible you ask? No, she does not have Downs Syndrome. It is just a mystery of the universe.

Gintama quote of the day:

"Do you want to be Otsu-chan's fan club? Are you willing to put up with any ordeal for the sake of becoming Otsu-chan's official fan club? Are you willing to go anywhere for Otsu-chan, whether it's into fire or water?"
"Would you be able to eat Otsu-chan's shit?"

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