

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


This has been a rather enjoyable holiday so far and I hope the school term will be good as well. However not everything is perfect. I've always known that the laundry is by far the dirtiest room in my house, and it was only recently that I thought 'isn't that where clothes are meant to be cleaned?'. Now when I say dirtiest, I mean there is so much dust in the corners of the room, there could be something under the dust and I wouldn't know. It's so dark too since the designers of the house thought it would be funny if the door opened in such a way it blocks all light. What's even more dumb is that the vacuum cleaner is in there. Every time I vacuum I hate the process of feeling around in the dust for a tool which is designed to clean the damn dust.

Now onto something called karma. Many people believe in the system that what goes around comes around. However I believe that karma likes to fuck around sometimes. The other day I went for a jog and saw an old man sitting on the path. I hoped he wasn't injured or anything because I wasn't in the mood to help him out. Yes I'm an asshole, sue me. But he asked me to, so I helped him stand up and walked him to his house. It was afterward that I felt a sense of goodness in me. As if I'd done something deserved of praise. Now if karma is true this will allow me to gain something good. But if karma works properly, technically if I did something really faggy it should even out right?

Although it has been almost 2 weeks, I've just remembered Gengiah's amazing physical achievements. He ran the 90km ultramarathon a total of 9 times, with a best time of about 8 hours. And when questioned on why he doesn't run the CitytoSurf, it's because foofty dollars is a waste to go for a short jog, since he runs up to 20km every Sunday. These achievements were brought to mind as I watched the Commonwealth Games. There was a 15 year old girl who won gold in gymnastics, and a 62kg dude who lifted 156kg to win gold in weightlifting. Sitting here I realise I'm over 15 and over 62kg and haven't done shit. I don't think I can even drive 90km without getting tired. So I guess I'm trying to say, we should all try harder and achieve some- You know what, fuck it. I'm going to go watch some anime.

My own joke:
What did the joker say to Harry Potter after his godfather died?
Why so Sirius?

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