

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Skool, phone numbers and family

So on Monday I had to redo the 3-Unit exam since I failed the prelims miserably. Knowing in my head there was no chance I would pass I didn’t bother studying and accepted my fate. To my surprise, the test was shockingly easy, and a pass is almost certain. However my brain did not decide to work during the test, so passing has not yet been confirmed. One example of my stonering is when I worked out two sides of a right angled triangle and I was stuck on how to figure out the 3rd side. STONED.

A newspaper headline I caught a glimpse of the other day, spoke of a change to the phone number ‘000’. I saw it and thought, ‘how fucking dumb does a bogan have to be, to forgot 000’. The only easier numbers would be 00 and 0. Which leads me to an overheard during the bus back from tennis. Some kid in year 9 sitting in front of me asked his friend “was it always nine one one, or did they change the number after the nine eleven bombings?” Seriously. This dumbass is in Ruse, in the second decade of the century. What a jewfaggot (best word I have heard this week).

For the people who know me or read my blog, ye shall knowst of the person I am about to talk about. This person recently found a new job, but instead of telling their co-workers, this person decided to say he/she was sick and couldn’t work any further, and so was given a celebratory party and many get-well-soon cards. What a dog. The other day this same person told me to go have a shower. Upon completion, they complained that they had to wait 5 minutes for a shower, and I should stop wasting other people’s time. Seriously, I just want to fucking asda;kjfsdfhasd .

Last item of the day, we got our reports back. My best percentile being 10, I have started looking on ebay for that gun with which my massacre will be used for, ending of course in a police shootout ultimately with my suicide.

If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end- Sakata Gintoki

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