

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Life in year 12 and Creativity

So the other day I went to the doctor's because my grandma is sick, so we went as a family (yes, I know that's random). On the way in my mum tried opening one of the two doors and realised it was locked so she used the other one. The most obvious and probably deliberate clue would be that there was a sandbag behind the locked door. As we sat there waiting in line, 6 of the 8 people who entered used the wrong door. Seriously, take notice of your environment next time you use your eyes.

Which reminds me of a time when I forgot to wear my glasses to school. This was of course back in the early years of high school when I could still see. But of course as the day went on, I realised I relied kwite heavily on my sight. Last year upon reception of my driving license, I was told to wear glasses whenever I drive. It is the ekwivalent of telling everyone else to remember to open their eyes. A bit unnecessary.

Recently I've been playing AlienSwarm and Team Fortress 2, both of which have their fair share of newbs. However the other day, some five year old on AlienSwarm acted all high and mighty by telling us all through his microphone that he was the most important player in the team because he was the medic. However he was not the only medic, nor was he a good one (someone I know was the other medic), and it was his job to heal us, not the other way around. To prevent further nubbery, I have paid for a microphone with which I shall tell off retards and toddlers when they attempt to act as if they've hit puberty.

For those who haven't seen it, here is the link to a video I made : It contains the misheard lyrics of a Children of Bodom song. Interesting fact: someone from Finland watched my video, what a surprise. (Excuse my shameless plugging of my video).

And to the highlight of this blog! Stoning in year 12! Not sure if this occurs often, but recently I have witnessed some hardcore stoning. Today in maths for example, a conversation went something like this:

Mr. X: What's the tenth month called again?
Mr. X: No seriously, was it October?
Me: Dude, octopus, octagon, October?
Mr. X: Soooo, it's December then?
Me: *facepalm*
Mr. Y: *facepalm*

Something that Mr. Y witnessed was:

*Mr. Y is drawing a tornado shaped scribble*
Ms. Z: That looks like a torpedo!
Mr. Y: Torpedo?
Ms. Z: Yeah, you know, like a hurricane?

I think we are all getting a bit screwed over by the stress. Lets just take a breath and find some time to relax, or we might forget the year or our name next. Be creative and come up with something new, maybe start a blog in your spare time. I will leave you with the words of the great teacher Sakata Gintoki.

For a pregnant woman to give birth, she's gotta feel the pain of pulling a watermelon out of her nostril. For an artist to create a piece, he's gotta feel the pain of pulling entire galaxies out of his ass~

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