

Monday, September 27, 2010

Parental advice and other stuffz

Since my sister is growing up, my mum decided to lecture her on marriage and relationships. The example she used is of a white woman who married the man she loved, however he was a total loser in terms of academic and financial success and they can barely pay the rent. However they are happy because they've been in love for many years and I think they have 4 children (didn't hear properly). Apparently this is very stupid and typical of a white person. Any one with a brain would marry for money and success, love will only drag you down. As if my sister wasn't already screwed up enough now she will be single all her life too.

Something else that everyone probably heard from their Asian parents are ridiculous exaggerations of failure. For example, my mum's always told me if I don't get 90 something UAI/ATAR, I would become a janitor. She spent so many hours of my life tutoring me on what a janitor does every day. Another promise she made is that if I do not get a job soon, I will become a hobo. This is because no one will employ an 18 year old who doesn't have at least 2 years of work experience. And I thought to myself: that's logical. It explains all the hobos on the streets. I mean Africa has like 1 billion of them, very, very logical.

Something totally random the other day happened. When I was at Borders reading manga for free, the speakers suddenly played this song: Top Song Looking around I don't think anyone else realised we so just got rickrolled.

Something else that's pretty random which I noticed on TV. Most people have probably seen the Coco Pops add, where the slogan is "Like a milkshake, only crunchy!". Not to be picky, but isn't that like, I don't know, not a milkshake? Now I'm not an expert on milkshakes, but I have a feeling they are of the liquid persuasion. Which brings me to something else which is rather interesting. Why do Americans call petrol gas? Petrol is a liquid. Is it just the average American who does so? If I went up to an American chemist, I wonder what he would call it?

I thought I'd finish off with my belonging pic for our speech. Comment please!

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