

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I hate sisters

So my sister got the overpriced braces and we went out for the lunch on the weekend. She soon found out nothing was bitable nor chewable with braces. So since she couldn't eat, she decided to screw up everyone else's lunch. My mum ordered 2 mango pancakes, which are pancakes filled with cream. My sister ripped apart the pancakes, ate the cream inside and left the raped carcass of the pancakes on her plate. Then at dinner, my grandma made fried meat buns, (can't describe it properly), and we all just grabbed one off the main plate in the middle. My sister wouldn't eat because she didn't have her own plate. The fuck? Is she five? Last night she wouldn't eat chicken wings because it was too hard to bite the chicken, so my mum had to rip the chicken into small swallowable pieces. My mum is constantly telling me how mature my sister is and how I should be like her. FML.

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