

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Exams, small things, Sean got owned, I'm retarded

CHYEEEAAAAAAAHHHHH BOY! 2 unit maths is over mofos! wootwoot!!!!11!!one!!1sin90!1
Ahem. Now that 3 exams are done with, the pressure is starting to let up. But chemistry and 3 unit maths exams are still to come, along with 3unit English speech. And before we know it, HSC will begin. This shit just doesn't end.

On to less important matters, the other day I was reading manga when my mum walked in. The next page loaded to reveal a sex scene and my mum just froze. Seriously, worst timing ever.
Something I read about which was typical of Americans was this: A suspicious package was found and immediately the SWAT team and bomb defusal skwad was called in. When the contents could not be ascertained, they concluded it was dangerous so decided to blow it up. If that wasn't genius enough, they checked what was in the package afterwards. Turns out it was filled with pamphlets on teaching people what to do when they find a suspicious package.

Hopefully Sean will never read this. On the way home we walked past the Chinese take-away shop that closes at 3pm (retards), and we saw it was open so we read the menu for fun (also retards). After a few jokes I bet him 2 bucks he couldn't buy a spring roll. The reason is they only sell 6 for $4.80. The ensuing haggling and persuasion by Sean to buy just 1 spring roll from the old Asian lady was indescribably funny. Revelling in others' misfortune is so fun.

I experienced the dumbest most retardededest thought the other day. When playing guitar I was only hitting about half the notes, but I was unsure the exact percentage. So in my mind I wondered: 'What if they made a guitar hero style game, but for guitars?'. Fuck me.

"Study, study, study, study!"- Kintaro