

Sunday, September 5, 2010

9/11 and driving

So recently there's been the controversy over the mosque being built at ground zero. As a neutral standerby, I've got nothing against Muslims, but building a mosque at the sight of the 9/11 bombings is a bit like rubbing salt in the wounds. What I find ridiculously stupid, are the rallies planned. On the 11th of September 2010, there will be a rally to oppose the construction of the mosque. On the same day, there will be a rally to oppose the first rally. Fail.

Here's some news which is just unbelievable. For those who don't know, during the aftermath of the bombings, hundreds of people were stuck in the rubble, which meant rescuers had to run in and save people. This is a heroic but obvious act. But because of the rescuers heroism, many of them had to be treated due to injuries and many were compensated for their efforts. Obviously this had to come from the government. Now, August 2010, Congress (yes that's right, the USA again), has come up with the biggest bullshit I've ever heard. "They only thought of saving lives, and not of taxes" said one member, over the blame of the rescuers for costing tax payers' money. They are seriously blaming heroes for the rise in tax. On top of that, any hero who did not have US citizenship may be forced to give back whatever it cost to heal them and be forced to leave the country. Let's hope to god Congress gets bombed.

Finally, today I hit a bird with my car. I saw a brown ball fly onto the windshield from my right, before seeing some murky likwids being sprayed on the screen. I believe I hit the shit out of that bird, literally.

"If you kill yourself, I'll kill you" - Onizuka

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