

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My family and the apocalypse

My sister recently decided to get braces. Now her teeth are a bit out of line, but aren't very noticeable unless you're a dentist doing a check-up. However, she is spoilt, so she wants my mum to get her cosmetic dental surgery, costing almost $5000. What the fuck. But my mum isn't so good a person either. The other day I heard her talking to my sister about a mentally challenged guy, and she said he should have been aborted. She also thinks black people shouldn't come to Australia because they're all African refugees spending her tax money. Once she wouldn't shop in a store because the person at the counter looked middle eastern. I live with some seriously screwed up people.

Onto some lighter stuff, the other day I was watching Man vs. Wild, when I saw Bear eat raw sheep balls. He ate it because someone offered it to him and it would be rude to decline. No it fucking isn't. If someone gave me a penis burger I will not eat that shit. What a British douche.

I recently checked the most views videos on Youtube. Justin Bieber is #1. 2012? I think the Mayans were off by a few years. Clearly if Bieber has topped the list we are all fucked. So badly. I've even been seeing people posting comments on random videos trying to get other videos to top Bieber. But at 311 million views, he is almost 40 million ahead of Lady Gaga, who is only slightly better as the Youtube leader. Where has all the rock gone?
As of 6th September 2010 none of the top ten videos are rock music videos. In the list are also 2 Miley Cyrus videos. Surely that signifies humankind's failure as a species. Is this the apocalypse?

"It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)"- R.E.M.

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