

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Seekwels, treekwels and a flavorgasm

Last night my mum decided to have dinner at Star City Casino's restaurant. Because of her issues, I had to catch a bus to the city, while her and my sister took the car. It was an interesting ride, though. Bus travellers included a guy wearing a cape, a chick with no pants and a chick with drawn on eyebrows.
On arrival of the restaurant I saw a group of people in line that scared me shitless. About 7 or 8 guys who had their sideburns shaved, and mullets and arms covered in tattoos. It was like the Commancheros or something.
But finally dinner came and went, and in the words of Shaun Micallef: "And now we come, as we inevitably must, to the end game". For those who haven't eaten dinner before, there's this thing called dessert. Remembering my last trip there I reminisced of an awesome cherry cake and looked forward to it.
Unfortunately in Dessert 2: Dessertier (title of this trip), my cake was not there, so I made do. First was the toffee cake, which was average. Following was the ever present jelly. Again no surprises. Then out of the darkness rose the almond cake. 4 layers of sexy. Black forest was next. Staring at the chocolate I couldn't believe this could work. But oh it did! Next the banana cake helped the tastebuds calm down again before something amazing. Unable to find the name of this next cake I named it strawberry viagara, cos my tastebuds had a boner. Lastly was a rice/jellyish thing. The rice vomit tasted of rice with a pinch of vomit.
This was unsatisfactory. I likened my situation to Frodo's journey. Would Frodo be happy if some nigger orc took his ring right in front of Mt. Doom? I don't think so. But it was too bad, because I had already loosened my belt. Surely the game was over? But a twist to the tale! I decided to play extra time. Another lap of the buffet and I had gathered a shoddy éclair, a weak jelly, and some wannabe cheesecake. But these were all to set up my mouth for the coffee spider. At first I thought it was a chocolate fail. But after spilling some of the coffee on myself, I realised this was so much more. After tasting it, the coffee wasn't the only stains on me. Flavorgasm. Finally content that my day was done, I took a walk to allow the food to digest. Only to be horribly shocked. Another twist. A new dessert had been put out.
Could I take the risk? The day was complete, done, finished, I was content. But what if I missed out on something even better? I gambled. Picking up the 3 layered cup of sweetness, I ate a huge spoonful.
And I lost. What a fuck up! After the sexy coffee dessert, this tasted like anus. Utterly disgusted I sat and pondered where I'd gone wrong. Two epics in a row I have spent in that restaurant, two epics in which I tasted something amazing, only to end on something horrendous. I left the restaurant vowing that I would come back harder, better, faster and stronger.
Be ready for the treekwel: 'Dessert 3: The Flavorgasm strikes back'. It will be the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny.

Next time I will smell

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