

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Asian, women and cars

Recently I've noticed that there are some really cool phone numbers. An easily remembered one I saw recently was 9222 2222. 13 37 ?? was another one I saw, the last two digits being entirely insignificant. Now imagine a fob buys a house and gets the number 8888 8888. Eight 8s? He'll probably yell out "Fah tsai lah!" and come in his pants.

Onto something my mum did which severely pissed me off. She got spam mail telling her she could make 1000's of dollars a month with their amazing new bullshit. Despite my blatant attempts at persuading her otherwise, she decided it would be a good idea to send $200 to an offshore company. I'll spare the details of the scam, but say that my family is now a few trillion Zimbabwean dollars poorer.

This may surprise, but my mum is not only Asian and a woman but also drives a car! Being all of the above it is no surprise our car is royally fucked. Despite the fact the engine has had trouble starting for the last 2 months, my mum thought the car would survive til our next 6-monthly service. This has led to the engine being absolutely unable to initiate, and we must now jump start the car if we want to go anywhere. Time to call NRMA.

Live long and prosper~

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