

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ikea, the Simpsons and 40 hour famine

On the weekend my mum made me go buy a table I don't want nor need. Apparently shoving a random table in my room wasn't enough, oh no; she really wants me miserable so we went to buy a table from Ikea. Ikea can be described quite simply. It is a maze which continually forces you to look at cheap but mostly useless stuff, while the only exit is one floor down and requires about half a kilometre of travel to reach. If you buy anything which you most likely will, you must then spend hours working out how to build it. Then to top it off, they sell extremely cheap hot dogs possibly made from the left over meat from other sausage factories. It is a hell maze and I was lucky to get out alive.

Onto more pressing matters, I have spent the last year or so analysing the Simpsons. Too much English classes? Maybe. But I've realised just how many political, social and sexual jokes the writers shove into each episode. I can quite confidently guarantee that in every episode there is at least 3 jokes which an 8 year old wouldn't and shouldn't understand. E.g. in the episode where Homer gives Marge paddle pop sticks to make models he says: "I've never been so happy to give you wood". I was utterly shocked at the Sickipedia-esque joke. But sometimes the writers also go the other way, when Homer parodised a quote from Casablanca, which is such a sophisticated form of comedy as compared to the previous joke. I wonder what other shows are brainwashing the children of tomorrow?

Finally I'd like to talk about an annoying thing about myself. I realised the other day that I swear way too much after a certain conversion:

Friend 1: You swear so much, do you have tourettes or something?
Me: F*ck no!
Friend 2: Hah! You just swore again
Me: Ah shit!

After such an outburst I wondered maybe I should not talk for the nearing 40 hour famine? Ah fuck it.

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