

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Annoying siblings and religion

Most people have younger siblings, and all of them are annoying. My sister is 3 years younger, so she has had no function in my life (she's bad at computer games, sports, and follows exactly what other people say meaning she's got 0 opinions, ergo I can't discuss anything with her because I know the answer already). Anyway, recently she started playing the drums again, and has got some sort of retardation where she has to tap or smack things all day long. The car window, dinner bowls, walls, doors, tables etc. It's driving me nuts. To add to her annoyance, she got a little plastic whistle which she blows 1 hour a day. I have a feeling she'll be tapping and blowing many more things in years to come.

The issue of banning the burka has been discussed internationally, with some countries or states deciding to ban it. I do have a slight issue with the fact that it's a plain disguise. But what I'm more annoyed about is that only burkas are being targeted. I saw a fob the other day, but he couldn't see me. His hair covered half his face. Is that not a disguise I ask? I would feel much more comfortable if long fringes are banned, rather than a religious clothing, even if religion is total bullshit. So from now on I'm bringing scissors with me everywhere.

May the force be with you~

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