

Thursday, August 5, 2010

All the small things and more racism?

As it's nearing exams time, study notes are the major bee archers for the next few weeks. But sometimes it's the small things that tend to annoy. Example: my mum stayed home to take me to the doctor at 12pm (she does get points for that), but still made me wake up at 7:10 to go to school myself. Another small thing I recently noticed, is why do the stickwomen on the toilet doors get dresses, but the guys are naked? Food for thought.

Some shocking images were recently brought to my attention, and this really surprised me and made me go: "Oh yeaaaah."

Most people have seen the caution wet floor is slippery sign but what about these?

Black people fuck animals
Black people are slaves
Black people are drunkards
Black people are gay
White people are heroic firefighters

After seeing these pictures I ask you, what the fiddlestick is wrong with our society?

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