

Sunday, June 26, 2011

So most of us have gotten some exam results back myself included. Motherfucked. Yeah, my mum raped my ass in a figurative sense, but english and economics can turn it around, fingers crossed.

Onto funnier events, I was walking home today and felt like I wanted to beat The Russian at attacking lifeless objects. So I put my hands in my pockets, and fell face forth, thus skidding down them on my face. Stairs 1 Me 0.

You know when you graze yourself and the skin turns white temporarily, before all the blood suddenly comes out? I love that moment. I also can't eat properly now, because moving my jaw up and down reopens the scratches for some retarded reason. Karma? Not that bitch again.

Anyways, I'd like rage like a rage-amuffin at Steam for making Team Fortress 2 free. It was one of the rare, simple, mmo's that wasn't filled with downers. I'm sure that it is now going to be flooded with vaginafaces who just play sniper and shoot arrows all over the place. Fooarck.

Riddle: There are two sisters standing in front of a forked path. One tells the truth, the other lies. One path leads to danger, the other safety. Who do you ask, and what is your question?

Lastly I'm just a little annoyed in my lack of planning for muck-up photos. I left it to the night before, as is my method for everything, and now am plain out of ideas. Maybe I'll be 'guy who attacked stairs with face'. Or go naked. It's a coin flip.

Enjoy life everybody, try the Ebi bun at Breadtop, it's awesome and don't forget who's yo' daddy.

"Must f-f-find a D-d-doraemon!" -Sakata Gintoki

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