

Monday, June 13, 2011

Exams, DoTA, Facebook

So today was the biggest 'OMFG I'm suiciding' exam ever, but at least it's over and done with.

Since the exams were on and all I decided to start playing DoTA on Boredaussies again because that's the natural studying routine. Although it was somewhat expected, the level of rape I received was quite dispiriting. Last night I got destroyed by Gaymond's little brother who's like 14 or something. But then I felt so good when I owned some guy and he rage quitted. So fulfilling =). Anyways, add tadfg if anyone actually plays.

The other day I 'ran' into an old friend on Facebook. Haven't spoken in 8 years and suddenly I'm like "Holy shit! It's 2011? I'm gonna be an adult in 6 months? Fuckdatshit, I want my youth back!". Anyways, it's nice to catch up with people who you haven't spoken to in ages. Sort of nostalgic and warming. Also on Facebook, I realised my sister has 330 more friends than me. Super-depressing. I don't even know 330 people!

So if you haven't already figured it out, the answer to my riddle is: 'The love game". And the punchline if I didn't already tell you is "melted cheese sandwiches". I hope none of you get the joke, because that shows you have some innocence. Somehow I didn't get it until 'twas explained to me. Then I felt sick.

Joke: What explosive is sour? (Please don't give me some shit about acids, I've had enough chemistry.)

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." -Ferris Bueller

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