

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Exams, TF2, Grossing out and a New Segment!

So during the last week it's been pretty crazy so I've learnt to find relaxation techniques. This is one of them. One of the most relaxing yet addictive simple flash games I've played in a while. I've also rearranged my room and computer equipment so that I can work in bed. Unfortunately this has led to a lot more procrastination than I'd hoped. Meh.

I recently found a video I was involved in earlier this year. This is just some random crap the PANTS group on Team Fortress 2 decided to mess around with. I was fortunate enough to be involved in "build so much stuff the server crashes" and "fireworks on halloween". We also filmed a Rocky film reproduction but it got taken down. Even more unfortunately, the PANTS group blew up because of real life issues. :'(

So recently my wisdom teeth have been growing out and it wasn't too bad at first. But one of the top teeth pushed off part of my gum, and now there's a piece of gum dangling at the back of my jaw. If that didn't gross you out, then maybe this will. WARNING: Dudes shouldn't watch it. Or chicks for that matter.

New Segment Time!

I've been reading some blogs recently and some people have recurring segments, so I thought I might start one. Since I spend heaps of time reading crap that is clearly a waste of memory, I'm going to put some of it to use.

Riddle: What game requires only one bat but two balls?
Clue: Two balls are normal but not necessary.

(Yes I know it's an easy one, but I'm tired right now so I can't be bothered coming up with something better.)

Joke: Why don't you give an old woman cunnilingus?

I'll post answer and punchline next time. I'm still making my mind up about 'prizes'.

So good luck with exams everyone and try not to commit suicide. If the pressure gets too big, then:

"Turn the Kabuki district into a bright red flower garden!" - Man Birabirabirabirabirabirako

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