

Saturday, June 18, 2011

New computer

So this post is nothing more than to show off my new comp. I got it yesterday, but was too tired last night to set it up. For those that don't know, my retarded relatives screwed up their computer, so needed a new one, while mine works fine. However when I opened up the tower this morning (just to see the inside) I think I jizzed in my pants. So while my mum went shopping and my sister went to work, I swapped it with my computer. Genius. Did someone ask specs? AMD Phenom II Quad core, 8GB RAM, 1TB Hard drive, 2GB Graphics card and finally got a Blu-ray drive. I believe I landed myself a sweet ass ride. Since I thought why not, I also made my mum buy a new monitor that has built in speakers for the lols.

And now I will definitely get started on Ancient. I promise. Oh wait it's due Tuesday. Hmmm...

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