

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Epping, muckup, eating and Hornsby

So the last week and a bit have been so eventful I don't even remember what happened. I guess I'll start with the muck-up photo which was pretty good, but I felt a little stupid not dressing up as anything, since nothing like this will come again. But thumbs up to Pyro, the girls dressed as lollies, and the gaylords. Dang's such a man.

Anyway, I went to Epping with Marshmallow to bum around Morning Glory and saw some sweet ass stuff. Eventually she settled on a medium sized Totoro doll. Must find the smaller family members, so kawaii~. Afterwards we went for sushi at the Jap restaurant on the main street, and managed to get two balls down her throat. Takoyaki is pretty awesome. Also got my hands on some proper sushi, not some school canteen shit, holy crap the honeyed egg was awesome. Also first time eating pickled ginger. That's some weird shit right there.

But not as bad as some of the shit I ate later that week. During some lunch (forgot the day) we had the grade vs grade eating challenge. Our team consisted of Mouse, Big Allan, Andy and Gusta, but Gusta pulled out so I subbed in. Unfortunately I was overconfident and we ended up being beaten by the juniors due to my shit eating skills, sorry peeps. For those that are curious, I ate a preserved chili, a gherkin, a pack of spicy preserved Chinese veggies, about 12 slices of bread (may have cheated here, cough cough), a few handfuls of some disgusting green shit, an eighth of an onion, a few 100mL of Solo and a few random lollies, oh and about half a kilo of my own vomit. Mmm-mmm. Yummy. Later that day in Chemistry I lost a Batsu game and ate some soap. Oh the joy.

So onto some more serious/mindfuck stuff, on Saturday I got in another argument with my mum and went for a 'walk', that lasted about 23 hours. Spent most of the night bumming around parra, then caught a train to Hornsby, mainly because I'd never been there. On arrival I looked at the 'next train' sign and it said 3:53am. It was 12:50 at the time. Fuck. Spent the next 3 hours lying on random surfaces, witnessed masses of drunk teenagers stumbling home, saw a hobo seemingly die, then crawl away after an hour of sleeping on his face. All in all it was a terrifying experience yet enlightening in a way. After the train came, the rest is a blur 'til about 3 the next afternoon. Somehow I got from Hornsby to Carlingford despite the fact I'm sure I only caught 1 train. You know the saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away?" Well I lived off 4 apples and a piece of bread and ended up in hospital for 2 days. Myth busted. I do remember at some point I believed I was a character in someone else's dream, and that when they awoke, I would die. Afterwards I realised I wasn't in a dream and was all like "Holy shit! Mindfuck! I totally exist!" Scary but maybe a life lesson. Saves me buying LSD. So yeah, I got 'arrested', sent to hospital in an ambulance *Weeeee* and spent a few days in a psychiatric ward and chatted a lot with random people about life and shit. I found it funny I had my shoes confiscated, in case I strangled my self with the laces. But the best moment was when I was having a shower, and this sign next to the plastic chair said: "Caution patients! A previous patient had his genitalia stuck in the drainage slats. Please be aware". ROFL At the end of it all, I'm not really sure I learnt all that much, I met a lot of depressed people, and some really cool people e.g. a female janitor at Hornsby station, who stays up every night wiping up teenage vomit on the platforms, yet still enjoying her job and life or Martin the nurse, who went through depression at a young age, but found something to live for i.e. nursing. I guess it's just important to find something to enjoy, or aim for a goal, which unfortunately I don't have right now.

Random question: my mum tracked down my dad who is still alive, should I make an effort to communicate? Personally I feel uncomfortable letting someone in on my life, who's never cared about me, but still, this might be a last chance. Advice me please.

Joke: What did the hungry hen say to his friend? "I'm feeling a little peckish".

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