

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Finding myself

So I've been spending the last week or so talking to specialists and crap, and talked to my dad who sounds really old. Made me feel a little emotion at the fact that I haven't seen him in so long that he sounds like an old man already. I spent a day at my relatives' place who I believe are like second aunt/uncle/cousin, but I'm not good with the whole bloodline thing. It was nice to see people who I haven't talked to in like a decade, plus my cousins are hot! I wonder if that's weird.
Does anyone see any resemblance in this picture? I didn't see it and don't really see it, but do you? (Hint: One of them is closely related to me, the others less so).

I was reading Prince of Tennis and saw this:


So the other day I ate a pigeon and the typical Asians left the head on. It was the guiltiest meal I ever had as I ripped the pigeon apart while its lifeless eyes stared back at me. Bloody hell it tasted good though.

I've been watching Hokuto no Ken recently which is Fist of the Northern Star. The best line ever has got to be "you're 100 years too early to..." which is over used in every single fighting anime ever, but still awesome. Also just to show how over the top Hokuto no Ken is, one of the episode titles was "I will wipe away your tears with my fists". What. The. Fuck. What does that- I don't even.

Anyway, I've been meeting lots of new people recently and it's been weird knowing how it will turn out. Most of the people who've known me for a long time will probable agree to what I'm about to say. There are three major phases of knowing me. The first is when we're still kinda strangers and there's a level of awkwardness due to necessary niceties, and I'm sort of a normal person. Once that stage is over, you get to meet the asshole. I act like a total douche to everyone around me for the lols. Then there's a fork. Either run far and fast or stick around for some more. I guess most of the people reading this and I say most not all, sighed and said "fine, whatever, he's not that bad". So if you're new to me, be warned.

Something random I thought of the other day was my funeral song. You know the song that's played when you corpse is being lowered or some shit? Bohemian Rhapsody please. Just tell my mum to stfu and play that song or I will zombify myself and kick your asses.

Out of having too much time I made this. I guess the facts are random and don't mean that you 'know' me, but whatever, I might add some extras, suggest me.

Also for anyone doing the HSC (which is like everyone...) this is a good Bio/Chem website with notes made by a pro ex student. Some of you have already found the notes but just for the others here ya go.

I know this has been a big post, but I've had a lot to do and think about, and if you can be bothered reading, I'll do a big movie post on the weekend since I've seen so much crazy shiet this last week.

Good luck with studying, Trials, UMAT, IB or getting TF2 achievements (though I'm not sure you should be doing that last one).

"Did you find the beetle Toshi?"
"Err we did find it...but it suddenly transformed"
"Harikiri!" -Hijikata & Matsudaira

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