

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Studying and boring weekends

While looking up random guitar/music videos I found a video involving Prince playing guitar. After 4 minutes or so I thought I'd missed it, but it ended up being some sweet music. Prince playing guitar just surprised me a bit. Thought he was a little purple gay guy who sang a bit.

I noticed there's a link at the top of Blogger's website called "Next blog". I clicked it and it took me to some random family's blog. Being bored I just kept clicking and browsing random blogs.
I was shocked by how many blogs are just family photos and crap. They are really well designed with a cool background but it looks as boring as Jane Austen. I was so surprised at how rarely I came across a blog of just an individual talking about their like and dislikes. There were probably more blogs about self run businesses, than blogs about individuals crapping on about their lives. Gives a new perspective to the word 'blog'.

Yesterday I had a horrid shopping trip, which would probably have been funny had you been watching in third person. Firstly, we waited 20 minutes for a spot and when we got out of the car, I realised my mum parked in a giant puddle. Once I breathed, I then learnt it was sewerage. Ignoring that I went and bought some stuff and also had lunch. Because the food court had no free tables (there were seats but who sits across from a stranger?) I went back to eat in the car. Unfortunately I'd forgotten about that pile of sewerage. The smell didn't really bother me once I was inside the car with the windows wound up, but then I did that thing with burgers, where you bite from one end, and everything gets squeezed out the other.
So a bundle of lettuce covered in sauce rolled down my shirt onto my lap. I had a red shirt so the tomato sauce didn't really show, but my white pants implied I just had a period or pissed blood. Seriously annoying.

Some say Sunday begins a week and others say it ends one. For a student I think Sunday ends the week. Because Monday is the first day you are reminded you go to a prison called 'school'. However with tutoring and mass studying on weekends, it feels like I'm in a month long week. When people say "time flies when you're having fun", they've got a point. Seems like suddenly time became a spoilt little shit who sits down in the middle of the road and won't move unless I kick him in the face. Oh well only 218 days til school ends!

I just found this awesome picture. Who else picked the right girl top row?

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