

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Studyingzorz and Youtube

This week has been pretty hardcore studying. I was meant to go get tested today but turns out my mum is retarded and doesn't know how calendars work. For long term readers, I'm getting tested because of what my tutor said. Yes, my mum took him seriously and thinks I'm retarded.

In funnier news, to celebrate Women's day or week or whatever it is, Julia Gillard posted a Youtube video (well she didn't do it personally) and it's getting trolled so bad. Gillard got so many thumbs down I couldn't help but thumbs down her without watching the video. I absolutely love how when you give a thumbs down, Youtube thanks you for your feedback. So lets unite as a nation. A trolling nation.

I was browsing Youtube and watched some Paul Gilbert guitar videos. Paul Gilbert is a very talented guitarist, but looks like a total retard in this video. And seriously, why is his pinky so long? Is he still undeveloped as a human being? Does that mean apes would be skilled at playing guitar? Regardless, he looks fucking hilarious.

Lastly I'd like to publicly laugh at a certain n00b who thought exams are on next week. Lol.

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