

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Psychiatrist and funny names

So today I went to some dumbass psychiatrist to get tested for ADD or any other retardations. Firstly, he was 20 minutes late, and seemed almost senile. At one point he was trying to say something but forgot what he was saying, and ended up saying "" I barely controlled myself from laughing. Anyways, in the end he believes I'm failing at school because of depression. Seriously, where do these people get their degrees?

So after two years of searching, I finally found my USB cable for my phone. Turns out it was in the box the whole time. But now I can finally post that picture I took on holidays.

This is an actual plaque on a bench near the coast. I shit you not.

Then today at the doctor's building I was reading the list of doctors looking for a funny name. It is very fortunate I am engaged in such activities on a regular basis, otherwise I wouldn't have found this name. It was hard to take a picture, since the board was next to the lift, and there was a whole group of people standing there, but just look for an obstetrician/gynaecologist. (Clue: it's the name in lower case.)

I know it's slack, but it's just too funny.

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