

Friday, March 25, 2011

Anime and exams

If you haven't already seen this, it is the worst anime ever. I'm not gonna exaggerate how much I laughed or facepalmed during those 15 odd minutes. It's just: bad.

And it should be no surprise that I am pissed about exams. I don't remember the days when I finished exam week happy with how I did. Must be back in the days of BODMAS and spelling bees. Anyway, I am fucked for extension 1 English but I hope I give everyone a good laugh when/if I get my paper back. I'll try to post it up here for the lols.

I watched some British comedy/stand-up and found more respect for them (most of my respect is for Sickipedia and beating the French). One of Jimmy Carr's jokes go: "Who said there's safety in numbers? Tell that to six million Jews". As Kelso from 'That 70's Show' would say: Burn! On second thought, that's the wrong thing to say about that joke.

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