

Monday, March 28, 2011

More Asian invasion, ties, don't laugh, decent musicians

Interesting fact: The top 3 most common last names in Canada are Lee, Smith and Lam. Asian invasion?

While looking through my clothes the other day, I found my tie lying on the ground. This then led to the thought that it was by far the dirtiest item of clothing I had (since I don't wash my tie every few days (well, never really)). Then I thought about the purpose behind such an item. We clearly don't need it to hold up our shirts, or keep collars tight. So why do we wear one? Post some ideas. But don't give me shit about being 'proper' and neat. That's Alvin-talk.

A great annual event has ended, Gaki no Tsukai's No-laughing Spy was completely subbed last week. A big, expensive and explosive final, but being 18:30 hours long was a bit of a let down. I'll try not to spoil any more for those who plan to watch it.

It's unfortunate that so many shitty artists are being signed by big labels. There are obviously countless musicians/bands that are awesome, but I'll just talk about one today. Jimmy not only has an awesome username, but is an actual decent musician. Ching Chong!, Mario Bros. a capella, and Chinese food are a few good ones to listen to.

Anyway, I have no idea what to do with my belonging visual representation. I've just got so many questions.

I know it's meant to be on cardboard, but how big? Is A4 enough? Do I have enough content? Is it clear? Is it too simple? Is English gay? Bit late to do anything now, but any comments would be cool.

EDIT: Note: the Ruse symbol represents the belonging during high school, the bowl and chopsticks is like 'de Azn wai', the family is obviously family, the uni emblem on the earth shows the other world of tertiary education and the flipped Ruse symbol means the other side of this school: being a teacher.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Anime and exams

If you haven't already seen this, it is the worst anime ever. I'm not gonna exaggerate how much I laughed or facepalmed during those 15 odd minutes. It's just: bad.

And it should be no surprise that I am pissed about exams. I don't remember the days when I finished exam week happy with how I did. Must be back in the days of BODMAS and spelling bees. Anyway, I am fucked for extension 1 English but I hope I give everyone a good laugh when/if I get my paper back. I'll try to post it up here for the lols.

I watched some British comedy/stand-up and found more respect for them (most of my respect is for Sickipedia and beating the French). One of Jimmy Carr's jokes go: "Who said there's safety in numbers? Tell that to six million Jews". As Kelso from 'That 70's Show' would say: Burn! On second thought, that's the wrong thing to say about that joke.

Friday, March 18, 2011


So nothing has happened for a week. Just studying and being pissed at everything. So hopefully this might brighten up everyone's tiring week.

I also read an awesome quote. It's about some blind kid: "A man once said to Jack: "you can't play the piano, you're blind!" Jack just replied, "I don't see your point." " SNAP.

Anyways, good luck everyone for next week's exams and the two days after that. High five if you finish on Thursday! =D

P.S. Lol at Fifi.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Drumming, suburbia, subtitles and studying

I was bumming around on YT and found this awesome drum cover of Chop Suey. Watch the guy's face as he plays, happiest drummer ever.

So I was driving home from my tutor's place in Guildford, and I watched as suburbia ran by my window. The utes parked in the front yards, the sheep grazing on the side of the road, the children riding their bikes- whatthefuck sheep? There was a sheep walking down the side of the road, eating the grass that was growing near the footpath. Just a random, wild sheep.

Talking about random crap, yesterday I went jogging and as I bypassed a car, I saw a wet-looking condom lying on its bonnet. Pwnt.

For the fans out there, there is an update on the subtitling work on the Gintama movie. Four months after the DVD's release, Rumbel subs have postponed subtitle work to translate IS:Infinite Stratos. For those who don't know, IS is an anime about shit. Not literally of course. It's actually a mecha, shounen, harem. A.k.a. shit. I'm gonna put on my rageface and my ragepants and rage like a bitch. In the kitchen! Jokes.

Lastly I'd like to make an announcement on studying, which is funny. A certain black person in our grade (I'll avoid using names so let's call him Mr. Potter) injured his wrist writing an essay. That is the most embarrassing way of injury. If I did that, I'd say I was masturbating, 'cos that is way manlier than 'self-injury from over studying'. Lucky he's Asian, if he was white he'd get slapped to death.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Psychiatrist and funny names

So today I went to some dumbass psychiatrist to get tested for ADD or any other retardations. Firstly, he was 20 minutes late, and seemed almost senile. At one point he was trying to say something but forgot what he was saying, and ended up saying "" I barely controlled myself from laughing. Anyways, in the end he believes I'm failing at school because of depression. Seriously, where do these people get their degrees?

So after two years of searching, I finally found my USB cable for my phone. Turns out it was in the box the whole time. But now I can finally post that picture I took on holidays.

This is an actual plaque on a bench near the coast. I shit you not.

Then today at the doctor's building I was reading the list of doctors looking for a funny name. It is very fortunate I am engaged in such activities on a regular basis, otherwise I wouldn't have found this name. It was hard to take a picture, since the board was next to the lift, and there was a whole group of people standing there, but just look for an obstetrician/gynaecologist. (Clue: it's the name in lower case.)

I know it's slack, but it's just too funny.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Studyingzorz and Youtube

This week has been pretty hardcore studying. I was meant to go get tested today but turns out my mum is retarded and doesn't know how calendars work. For long term readers, I'm getting tested because of what my tutor said. Yes, my mum took him seriously and thinks I'm retarded.

In funnier news, to celebrate Women's day or week or whatever it is, Julia Gillard posted a Youtube video (well she didn't do it personally) and it's getting trolled so bad. Gillard got so many thumbs down I couldn't help but thumbs down her without watching the video. I absolutely love how when you give a thumbs down, Youtube thanks you for your feedback. So lets unite as a nation. A trolling nation.

I was browsing Youtube and watched some Paul Gilbert guitar videos. Paul Gilbert is a very talented guitarist, but looks like a total retard in this video. And seriously, why is his pinky so long? Is he still undeveloped as a human being? Does that mean apes would be skilled at playing guitar? Regardless, he looks fucking hilarious.

Lastly I'd like to publicly laugh at a certain n00b who thought exams are on next week. Lol.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Studying and boring weekends

While looking up random guitar/music videos I found a video involving Prince playing guitar. After 4 minutes or so I thought I'd missed it, but it ended up being some sweet music. Prince playing guitar just surprised me a bit. Thought he was a little purple gay guy who sang a bit.

I noticed there's a link at the top of Blogger's website called "Next blog". I clicked it and it took me to some random family's blog. Being bored I just kept clicking and browsing random blogs.
I was shocked by how many blogs are just family photos and crap. They are really well designed with a cool background but it looks as boring as Jane Austen. I was so surprised at how rarely I came across a blog of just an individual talking about their like and dislikes. There were probably more blogs about self run businesses, than blogs about individuals crapping on about their lives. Gives a new perspective to the word 'blog'.

Yesterday I had a horrid shopping trip, which would probably have been funny had you been watching in third person. Firstly, we waited 20 minutes for a spot and when we got out of the car, I realised my mum parked in a giant puddle. Once I breathed, I then learnt it was sewerage. Ignoring that I went and bought some stuff and also had lunch. Because the food court had no free tables (there were seats but who sits across from a stranger?) I went back to eat in the car. Unfortunately I'd forgotten about that pile of sewerage. The smell didn't really bother me once I was inside the car with the windows wound up, but then I did that thing with burgers, where you bite from one end, and everything gets squeezed out the other.
So a bundle of lettuce covered in sauce rolled down my shirt onto my lap. I had a red shirt so the tomato sauce didn't really show, but my white pants implied I just had a period or pissed blood. Seriously annoying.

Some say Sunday begins a week and others say it ends one. For a student I think Sunday ends the week. Because Monday is the first day you are reminded you go to a prison called 'school'. However with tutoring and mass studying on weekends, it feels like I'm in a month long week. When people say "time flies when you're having fun", they've got a point. Seems like suddenly time became a spoilt little shit who sits down in the middle of the road and won't move unless I kick him in the face. Oh well only 218 days til school ends!

I just found this awesome picture. Who else picked the right girl top row?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tutoring, studying and Big Balls

So the other day I got my first call to tutor some little kids. I felt awkward talking myself up as some James Ruse pro-student. But it's primary school kids so hopefully I wont' fuck it up. But the worst part is the parent. The kids' mum called me up and I started the conversation with: "Hello! Hi! Thanks for call- Hey- thank- hi erm yes... hi." She must have been like 'Does this kid have Sean's disease?'

The other day someone summed Letters to Alice up in a few brief words: "It's like talking to a bitch". Roffle.

As I was making Ancient History notes I typed in the word 'Dorians' meaning a group of people from Doric tribes. When I went to spell check it asked if I meant 'durians'. MS Word is so Asian.

I was really bored after studying today and I also ran out of things to do on the whole interwebs. I know, the entire interwebs. So I looked up funny mabobs and found this Best Nut Shot Compilation Ever! If you have balls, you will cringe. At least they won't be reproducing anymore. Thank god.

So it's been a relatively eventful week, but all thoughts should be on the oncoming exams. I never knew how gay studying was. Now I know how a certain Mr. Lee must feel all the time.