

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Gulags, kidneys and ragezorz

So the other day my mum made me go swimming in that gulag she calls a pool. I swear I could see the dust floating in the water. I also think my body temperature dropped below 32 after about 10minutes. I'm surprised I wasn't comatose.

Recently I looked in the mirror and saw some dodgy ass shit. The first picture is clearer but it's still visible on the second picture. Someone has stolen my kidneys and/or other organs in my sleep. Either that or people naturally form scars on their hips during adolescence. (Yes I know, I'm a fatass).

Today my tutor asked me why I was doing so bad at my homework again. I told him about my daily schedule and when he heard me say I spent 2 hours on the computer he went nuts again. The conversation went something like this:

Me: So I spend about two hours on the computer every day, sometimes more
Him: Whaaat! Do you even do homework? How do you manage to keep up at school?
Me: Errr, I finish pretty much everything from school plus tutoring
Him: Well if you find 1 minute of free time a day then you're not doing enough work. If you have free time, use it to do more homework. Free time is the root of failure.


Also 2 more post til my 50th =D. Thanks for all the long time support and a massive 3 followers. I'd like to give a shout out to all my friends and on special request from an anonymous follower: Fifi is really awesome and cool and like, yeah....

P.S. I'm fiddling around with some videos I've been trying to make with little success. Look forward to possible 'vlogging' in the future.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Failures and nostalgia

So on the weekend my maths tutor suggested I get tested for retardation because of how slow I was doing a superannuation question. What an ass.

One of the funniest news fails finally happened on Australian television. Fortunately for them no one was watching the news at 6 in the morning, however that doesn't mean it didn't get on the internet. Channel Nine News decided to be funny and make penis jokes. Thank god for the internet.

About two nights ago I was attacked by a blanket monster with a pole. Turns out it was my curtain falling on me. But while half asleep at 2am, I seriously thought I was getting attacked, and wondered why my blanket was attached to a pole.

To add to my sleeping troubles, yesterday afternoon I was taking a nap when I was awoken by horrible calf muscles. I somehow pulled a muscle sleeping and can't straighten out my leg anymore. Failure of the month nominee.

So I was browsing Facebook and I somehow found my sister's page. Considering I started with people in our grade it shows how far Facebook has snuck into our lives. Upon further explorations, I found heaps of people I haven't spoken to since year 4 or 6 (years in which I left schools). It was weird looking at profiles of people I used to consider really good friends, but now think are just some random strangers who I once met.

Anyway, enough of nostalgia, here's a guitar music video with a girl having fake orgasms with a guitar. NSFW. Not really safe anywhere actually, listen/watch in your own privacy. Music Video

Friday, February 18, 2011

Materialism and disappointments

On the way home today I saw a big sign on the back of a bus that said something along the lines of prepaid funerals. I can't believe someone was dumb enough to start a business like that. Nor could anyone be dumb enough to actually purchase their own funeral. I hope.

So last night I finally got around to watching the Black Swan. It was severely boring and really was a boring ballet film which I originally thought it would be. The horror was 3rd class and the sex scenes were severely disturbed. The movie also ended awfully with a totally impossible resolution (a girl gets stabbed, temporarily stops bleeding so she can dance for half an hour, then starts bleeding again after the dance, while during the whole dance no one notices a patch of blood on her dress). Also because I got bored, I accidentally fast-forwarded past the 'bating scene. Damn.

Although I am unclear as of the details, I heard about the dressing down the girls received to get dressed up. The word "prostitutes" was thrown around a bit. Somehow a teacher has managed to say something intending to help one gender, but pissing off both. Well done.

To conclude a crappy week, I must now go explain to my mum 'The reasons why I don't want remedial English classes in the morning with Mason'.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Term 1

So not much has happened in the first two weeks of year 12. My level of maturity sure hasn't changed. But the year that lies ahead is somewhat dark and dangerous, and with just 237 days of school til term 4 begins, suddenly there doesn't seem all that much time left. I remember each and every assessment, when I would proclaim "Next time, I'll definitely start trying!", however that time is yet to come. Hopefully my expected exponential curve of workload will come to fruition.

Somehow I've managed to keep on task in most subjects; about to break a record for English: read 3 prescribed texts in 2 months. My previous record was about 3 terms so that's definitely a huge improvement. I also know what the fuck chem is about.

As with the academic side of life, so is the sporting. Being good at neither I've decided that this year I'm starting to get fit. Hopefully I can find a good Jim, but I doubt I'm gonna hire a personal trainer, so I'll probably use a gym.

Aaaaanyways, it's been an okay fortnight, Ragu speaks Yiddish (typical Jew), my sister's been acting like a dumbass, Alvin's gay and Gaki no Tsukai are being subbed (go spies!). Just a usual everyday fortnight.

P.S. There's a guy who works at Carlo Court who looks like a mix between these two popular Gintama characters. He had the comb over and glasses of the first guy, but imagine a comb over with the hair from the the 40 billion percent enhanced image. All his hair was different lengthed and just by looking at his face I started laughing.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Holidays ends, super summer

So at the end of the holidays, I got ridiculously bored from being capped and having my computer time limited, so I ended up watching midday television. Despite how boring it normally is, the film "From here to Eternity" was on. Of course at first I was like "Could it get any worse?", but it turned out to be a decent film, despite being a war romance from 1953. The only other thing on was the tennis. Most of the matches I ended up watching were doubles or women's matches. And it made me realise, there are about 3 hot chicks in tennis. Why the hell are they all so manly looking? Check up images of Schiavone. Brix will be shat.

So I'm looking forward to tonight, because it's dropped a whole degree in the last 2 hours, down to a cool 37 degrees in my room. I am now able to add a new list of activities which I consider 'exercise'. These include: mouse clicking, blinking, breathing, standing up, sitting down and bowel movements. It is so hot in my room, when I turned on my computer, the fan instantly went to max to compensate for the overheating. O! If only we'd invented green shopping bags sooner. At least the oncoming ice age should take care of it.