

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


After watching hundreds of episodes of action anime, I've decided to rant about the actions of villains. An example of their retardation involves a recent DBZ episode I watched, where Freeza waited about 1.5 episodes for Goku to load a Spirit bomb. Then suddenly he realised, "Oh crap, he's a loading up a super-mega-kill-everything attack", but by then it was of course too late. Retards.

Another thing is how cocky they are. Seriously, every single time two people face each other in a fight, at least one if not both parties will believe they are stronger. This can be seen in every single battle in Rurouni Kenshin. Funnily enough, about 95% of the time, the cocky ass loses, and the other 5% of the time they lose the rematch. Common convos sound like:

Villain: "Get ready to be defeated!"
Hero: "No, you're the one who will lose!"
Villain: "Is that a joke? It's very funny. I will easily defeat you!"
Hero: "Ummm, no I'll definitely win."
Villain: "Hahaha, too bad you will certainly lose!"
*Hero rapes the shit out of villain*
Villain: "Damn."

I finally found the OVAs for Gurren Lagann, and they sure are funny.

That situation is hard to explain.

Only 9 days 7 hours til No Laughing Spy!

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