

Friday, December 31, 2010

Cromartie New Years

So yesterday I watched the live action film of Cromartie High School. Reviews say that it follows the original story line very closely, but I found it hard to believe they resurrected Freddie Mercury to play his role. It was no surprise a Japanese guy with a tan played Freddie. Furthermore, the gorilla wasn't actually played by a gorilla, nor was the robot played by a robot. The only character who was believable was the horse, since it was played by a real horse. Surprisingly I recognised Itao Itsuji in a cameo, despite the fact he was wearing a mask. He looks so dumb you'd recognise him anywhere.

Well last night was New Years Eve, and I spent it doing nothing. I'm lost as to the excitement of fireworks. Until they can write words or draw pictures with them, there really doesn't seem to be a point. Last night channel 9 had a longass show to bring in the new year, and I glimpsed a music video of Ke$ha. She has got so much glitter on her face, if she gave a blowjob, it would never wash off. Weird sense of style.

Now that we're getting over the fact that it's holidays, my mum has decided I need to start tutoring now. Literally. Another half hour and it's 'back to school' time already. Oh joy.

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