

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Although I've experienced the most boring holiday imaginable, the only real negatives were lack of things and bipolar weather. Proof that we were in the middle of nowhere included a building that said "Medical Advice, Accountants, Solicitors". For a second I wondered, 'why do they all work together?' Then I realised there is probably just one guy who does it all. Being in an area with 99% Caucasian people, it was also highly uncomfortable. I also got an awesome picture which I can't upload because I've lost my USB cord, which says "In the loving memory of Bob Fail"; a plaque on a public bench. Oh how I lolled.

I finally finished the first sentence of Pride and Prejudice. Beat that.

Today was the first time I saw someone 'eat' Powerade with a chopstick. SOOO Asian.

"Y' gotta eat when you can, right?" -Musashi

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