

Friday, December 31, 2010

Cromartie New Years

So yesterday I watched the live action film of Cromartie High School. Reviews say that it follows the original story line very closely, but I found it hard to believe they resurrected Freddie Mercury to play his role. It was no surprise a Japanese guy with a tan played Freddie. Furthermore, the gorilla wasn't actually played by a gorilla, nor was the robot played by a robot. The only character who was believable was the horse, since it was played by a real horse. Surprisingly I recognised Itao Itsuji in a cameo, despite the fact he was wearing a mask. He looks so dumb you'd recognise him anywhere.

Well last night was New Years Eve, and I spent it doing nothing. I'm lost as to the excitement of fireworks. Until they can write words or draw pictures with them, there really doesn't seem to be a point. Last night channel 9 had a longass show to bring in the new year, and I glimpsed a music video of Ke$ha. She has got so much glitter on her face, if she gave a blowjob, it would never wash off. Weird sense of style.

Now that we're getting over the fact that it's holidays, my mum has decided I need to start tutoring now. Literally. Another half hour and it's 'back to school' time already. Oh joy.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Although I've experienced the most boring holiday imaginable, the only real negatives were lack of things and bipolar weather. Proof that we were in the middle of nowhere included a building that said "Medical Advice, Accountants, Solicitors". For a second I wondered, 'why do they all work together?' Then I realised there is probably just one guy who does it all. Being in an area with 99% Caucasian people, it was also highly uncomfortable. I also got an awesome picture which I can't upload because I've lost my USB cord, which says "In the loving memory of Bob Fail"; a plaque on a public bench. Oh how I lolled.

I finally finished the first sentence of Pride and Prejudice. Beat that.

Today was the first time I saw someone 'eat' Powerade with a chopstick. SOOO Asian.

"Y' gotta eat when you can, right?" -Musashi

Friday, December 24, 2010


yayz. I love the snow and reindeers at Christmas time. Oh wait that's the northern hemisphere. I love the bedrooms that turn into saunas, and looooong times spent with annoying family. yayz.

So my mum decided to have a barbeque today, and though we have all bugged Yeo for one for like 3 terms I did not look forward to my family one. Thanks to Ancient History lessons, I have learnt some archaeological skills. These were put to good use when searching through the back of my garage for an ancient artifact. Instead of a Holy Grill (use of pun), I found a holy shit. Covered in dust and cobwebs I dragged a piece of crap up to my house and set it out only to find that my mum doesn't know how to use it. Being the man of the house it is my duty to be a lazy asshole and do nothing about it.

Been watching some more anime recently and found this scene quite implicative.

Moral of the story? Never thumbs up under water.

While re-watching some favourite Gintama moments I must relive the wrestling match.

And of course who could forget the testicle breakdance:

Anyways, hopefully everyone's been having a good holidays, tomorrow I will be off to the Central Coast-ish area, to live in some hole with my family for 3 days. I shall return to whine about it soon.

Also found this episode of Gaki no Tsukai ass game.

Download the episode here--> to find the results.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


After watching hundreds of episodes of action anime, I've decided to rant about the actions of villains. An example of their retardation involves a recent DBZ episode I watched, where Freeza waited about 1.5 episodes for Goku to load a Spirit bomb. Then suddenly he realised, "Oh crap, he's a loading up a super-mega-kill-everything attack", but by then it was of course too late. Retards.

Another thing is how cocky they are. Seriously, every single time two people face each other in a fight, at least one if not both parties will believe they are stronger. This can be seen in every single battle in Rurouni Kenshin. Funnily enough, about 95% of the time, the cocky ass loses, and the other 5% of the time they lose the rematch. Common convos sound like:

Villain: "Get ready to be defeated!"
Hero: "No, you're the one who will lose!"
Villain: "Is that a joke? It's very funny. I will easily defeat you!"
Hero: "Ummm, no I'll definitely win."
Villain: "Hahaha, too bad you will certainly lose!"
*Hero rapes the shit out of villain*
Villain: "Damn."

I finally found the OVAs for Gurren Lagann, and they sure are funny.

That situation is hard to explain.

Only 9 days 7 hours til No Laughing Spy!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


For the first time in my life I dread the holidays. Boring trip with family, license tests, reading Austen, sounds like crap. But the first week has been pretty good.

While watching DBZ in it's original language for the first time I've discovered it's only over 8000. For those that understood that sentence, yes, our childhoods were lies.

I went for a practice run of the P plate course today, only to fail within 15 seconds. Throughout the 2 hours of practice I managed about 20 fails. I also got to see the past results of students, with 90% being the pass mark for one aspect of the test. Some guy scored 108. Beast.

Japan has passed a bill which massively limits the types of manga and anime we get in the future. Anything that implies sex, drugs or violence among under 18s will be severely fucked by the government. I'm not a fan, but anything that implies homosexuality is to be immediately banned. 'Extremely violent' series such as anything from Shonen Jump can't be bought by people under 15 due to graphic violence. Future ecchi comedies may as well be cancelled. I fear future Evangelion movies may be in doubt.

On a good note, Gintama is coming back in April so nothing else really matters.

Happy holidays and welcome back to the cadets. I'll go back to practising kamehameha waves.