

Friday, November 5, 2010

Ashfield, swimming pools and him

So last weekend I went to Ashfield RSL club to have lunch to celebrate my grandma's birthday. I was kind of looking forward to it, since there would be food involved. However food wasn't quite the word I would use upon tasting the 'samples' offered. For example, the dumpling tasted more like meat flavoured biscuits. There was capsicum flavoured noodles. And someone thought it was smart to use noodles as spring roll filling. Then I went to get some soft drinks and half the dispensers were filled with soda water. When it got to desert, I wasn't even in the mood anymore. Lets just say it wasn't even close to the epic flaventure I had at Star City.

Since I live in a townhouse, I have access to a medium sized swimming pool. However since there are about 50 bogans and mentally retarded teenagers within a half kilometre radius, it is in poor condition to say the least. There used to be a gym inside, but all the gym equipment got stolen or broken. And someone managed to rip off the blades of the ceiling fan, 4 metres off the ground. The spa is always filled with piss, the steam machine in the sauna is filled with piss, and the toilets are generally overflowing with piss. The taps haven't worked in years, and last weekend I noticed they replaced the taps. Uh oh.
Fortunately the female bathroom is in very good condition, so on a late night I would use that one. However when other people are at the pool, I must harden my resolve and force myself to have a quick shower in a doorless, windowless, tap handle-missing, shower head-broken shower stall. Years ago the council installed metal bars over the windows to prevent people breaking in. Crowbars were a simple answer to that obstacle. Nowadays, I'm just happy I leave the swimming pool with no STDs.

Although I haven't raged much on our maths teacher, I think we all know what Haunter evolves into. The other day I attempted to get a bookmark, and he spent 20 minutes marking my questions one at a time. One example was where I got the answer of 6.46 something and he got 6.40. This led to him redoing the question and his answer was I quote "You forgot to multiply by two". How the- what the- argh fuck it. I taught him where he went wrong and we moved on. But seriously, I am so screwed for next year. If only an unfortunate accident happened...

So ends another troublesome week of work and play. Everyone is probably stressed with everything but "You can do it!~" Piece out, and I'll leave you with another great lesson from the one and only:

"Stress makes you bald, but it's stressful to avoid stress, so you end up stressed out anyway, so in the end there's nothing you can do." -Sakata Gintoki

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