

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Adults, construction and excursions

On the weekend we went shopping, and my grandma has gained experience points in retardation. She walked past the seafood section and decided to buy a lobster because it looked fresh. When we got home and my mum asked her how to cook it and she replied: "You have to cook it?".

I found a video the other day showing the maturity of adults. Laughing at a fart. Yes, those are actual adults in a real meeting. I am constantly surprised by the level of screwed we are.

Many people who follow the news may know that a train line extension has been planned for the Carlingford line, connecting Clyde to Epping. However this project has been delayed from 2000 to 2014, and after Gillard's term (ending in '13/'14), most likely the next party will further postpone the arrangements. Some people wonder, does the whole world have this issue? China obviously doesn't: Fastass Construction. Holy shit, that's some ninjashit building.

Finally I'd like to rage a little at excursions. Most people will agree that the majority of school excursions are mostly dull and boring. However that is because not many people have listened to Ancient History lectures. Listing the 151 original Pokemon, playing Pokemon hangman, solving over a hundred levels of Unblock Me, there is endless fun to be found. Plus the excitement of the building catching fire added to the overall fun day out. No but seriously, it was a great break from school. Also saw a shirtless, shoeless, anorexic guy sobbing while drinking beer. I'm guessing he fucked up somewhere along the way. And there was an old black man who was driving a motorised vehicle for the disabled. He had long dreadlocks and 3 beard dreadlocks. As he drove by I just thought "they see me rolling...".

Hopefully this will be a good week before the week of death.

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