

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ski trip

Ski Trip
So I’m back from a 3 day trip to the snowy mountains. I’d like to start with Perisher. If worrying about avalanches and yetis weren’t enough, they gave the mountain a name synonymous with Mount Doom. One epic stack later I was out for the day.

Thredbo was much better except for the food. $14 for burgers and chips. No surprise half the Asians brought a thermos of boiling water and instant noodles.

First night was a horror start. After 8 hours of bus travel, sleep was out of the question. After about 5 hours of staring at the roof I fell asleep only to be awakened by the fire alarm, because someone forgot to turn off the kettle *facepalm*.

There was so much that was wrong with the trip, so here is a short list of stuff witnessed:

Toppest town name: Bredbo (someone was obviously attempting to trick tourists who can’t spell).

Toppest joke: “Can everyone who’s not here put their hand up” –Bus driver

Toppest billboard: “Looks great mown, eh Lisa?” –Lawn mowing business

Roadkill spotto results (admittedly after 6 hours on the bus, my vision started tricking me a bit so some things are a bit suspect)
• 18 kangaroos
• 6 wombats
• 3 possums
• Wallaby
• Fox
• Dingo
• Calf/cow
• Wild boar (wtf?)
• Bear (ok, just a little suspicious)
• Countless piles of “the f was that?”

Finally after 3 days of expensive food, ass breaking stacks, 36 Asians in a bus (1 hot chick), and 4 DVDs of Mr. Bean, I am finally back.

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