

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Americans and others

Watching the Colbert Report I found that Texans are planning to illegalise sodomy. For those who don't know, sodomy is posh for buttsex. Now Texans have attempted to illegalise homosexuality before and failed, but this is the dumbest plan ever. Has anyone in Texas been to prison before? Think about it. The planned punishment for having buttsex is sending a homosexual into an enclosure full of other male prisoners with no female companionship... Do NOT drop the soap.

Elsewhere in the states, there was a news report on Afghanistan. For those who don't know, deposits of rare minerals have been discovered under Afghanistan totalling approx. 1 trillion dollars. I have a feeling mysterious weapons of mass destruction are gonna appear again. Anyway, on Fox News (no surprise), Steve Doocy (or should I say 'Douchey') was talking about how someone e.g. China will invade Afghanistan for their minerals. His reason is quote "it's a great big country that needs a whole lot of stuff". Wow. That is some amazing intellect right there. Such insight into foreign affairs.

Steering away from the US, I would like to join the bandwagon (bagwagon?), in bagging out Twilight. After hearing about how bad the books are I couldn't imagine anything worse. Then came the film adaptions. Some people may remember annoying year 9 girls Twilight chatting at tennis, well I've got a teenage sister. Thankfully I only have one, but that doesn't stop her spoiling dinner by retelling the plot to my mum, thinking she gives a crap. I don't give two fucks about Jacob or Edmond or whatever the fuck his name is, Twilight go to hell.

Finally something good to say, thank god this didn't happen to me on my ski trip. One word: HUMMERED.

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