

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Long time no see

I apologise to my masses of fans for not blogging for a while. Been lazy and busy. More lazy.

So during the holidays I went to the gym with Pop and owned myself pretty hard. I took a couple pics of my shoulders afterwards.

I have no idea what the hell happened, thankfully its gone away.

So the other day I went for a jog and felt a leaf land on my hair. When I went up to knock it off my hand felt wetness. Checking my fingers I saw yellow liquid. I ran home and went to wash out my hair, and spent the next ten minutes scraping bird shit from my scalp. I could feel the lumps that had solidified and almost puked through my eyes.

Anyways, have you ever walked down the cleaning products aisle and seen a product called 'Omo'. The other day I had the urge to add an H to the front of every box. A similar idea popped in my head when I saw a truck with ANA written on the side.

Lastly, here's the long awaited short story I wrote for Extension English. At one point I was so bored I decided to see if I could get the phrase 'ass dick' into my story. Here's my attempt.

Edit: Due to retardation by Blogger, the pages are ordered 1,3,2,4.

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