

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Songs, movies, crime

I've been listening to some new songs recently, mostly softer songs including: 'It's nice to be alive' by Ball Park Music, 'Tiny dancer' and 'your song' by Elton John, 'Wish you were here' by Pink Floyd and everything by the Foo Fighters 'cos they're freaking awesome.

Lots of new stuff on the other blog, go check it out for movie, TV, music etc. reviews.

The other day some random robbed a house at gunpoint a few houses away from me. Now my mum's gone all anal about security. Yesterday night I had my blinds open and she runs in screaming: "Do you want to die!? Leaving the blinds open is inviting murderers in!" Seriously I would not be scared of some crackhead running into my house, I'm Asian, I know kung fu.

Went to school the other day and on the way back some random Asians in a white van asked me if I wanted to buy a 3D TV or a sound system. Their story was that they had too many 'at the warehouse' and needed to get rid of a few. Most suspicious bullshit I have ever heard. I would not be too surprised if these were the guys who robbed the house.

I love how London is hosting the Olympics in 11 months, but half the city is in flames due to rioting, they are so screwed. News out a few days ago that prisoners are being transported to other cities due to overcrowding in the prisons. If the government had just given them a stimulus package this wouldn't have happened.

Recently started watching Hajime no Ippo which is a boxing based anime. Previously I believed it was overrated, but it is quite enjoyable despite the weird animation style and quality. Baka to Test also seems good, but yet to get very far into it.

"The soul of a stuck in the dirtiest place in this world!" -Hijikata & Gintoki

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Exams, bludging, boobs

So the exam week has started and by the sounds of things everything has started off all right. Today was Maths and Ext 2 Maths which meant it was probably the most important day of the exam weeks. I reckon I did rather well considering my almost total lack of preparation, but I did manage to prove 2=0 and that a young boy runs faster than a bus. Some mistakes were obviously made.

Last night it was maths cramming, so to help myself get into 'the zone', I played some good ol' Team Fortress 2. I've finally learnt to play combat medic and got a 12 kill streak. Some of the people were just stunned when they saw me running at them and died due to the element of surprise. Unfortunately I later died to the element of fire, which unsurprisingly overpowers the element of surprise. I also got an 11 kill streak today as sniper using flick shots. Some of the flukiest headshots in gaming history were made.

Lastly I'd just like to say I was touching lots of boob this afternoon. So squishy.

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This blog belongs to Takeshi.