

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Spelling, hot pot and classical musicians

So the other day I looked at the shopping list and saw 'cock'. I asked my mum what she intended to write, and she couldn't remember, but apparently she was half way through a word and went to do something else. Later she remembered it was Coke. Top asian-ness.

We had hot pot on the weekend and for once I actually did the preparation. It's actually quite fun to cook with lots of random alien items. My mum has a special recipe for the dipping sauce which includes: 1 part bean curd, 1 part sesame paste and 1 part garlic shoot paste. However it looked like 3 part turd. Don't you just hate it when you can't get the garlic out of the jar? Or when you're so bored you just chew the garlic? No they're not euphemisms. My mum bought sweetened garlic which marinates in a jar. However it soaks up a lot of the honeyed water, thus expanding wider than the hole it went into. I spent 10 minutes shoving a knife in to the jar to chop up the garlic and remove it piecemeal. Who needs knife round when you have a jar of garlic.

Most of you should know the classical musician in our grade. The other day I saw him staring at the sky looking for an answer. He reminded me of Ayu from Kanon (2006), searching for something but not sure what exactly he was looking for. Maybe he was searching for a dream, a friend, hope or maybe he's just a tard.

Lastly I'm just gonna rant about that little junior who I'll nickname 'The Little D'. For music room people, you know the guy I'm talking about. Today I saw him standing in the quad singing. I deserve a medal for self constraint from smashing his face in.

"Caaaardboooaaarduuu loolululoooo" - Madao.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Long time no see

I apologise to my masses of fans for not blogging for a while. Been lazy and busy. More lazy.

So during the holidays I went to the gym with Pop and owned myself pretty hard. I took a couple pics of my shoulders afterwards.

I have no idea what the hell happened, thankfully its gone away.

So the other day I went for a jog and felt a leaf land on my hair. When I went up to knock it off my hand felt wetness. Checking my fingers I saw yellow liquid. I ran home and went to wash out my hair, and spent the next ten minutes scraping bird shit from my scalp. I could feel the lumps that had solidified and almost puked through my eyes.

Anyways, have you ever walked down the cleaning products aisle and seen a product called 'Omo'. The other day I had the urge to add an H to the front of every box. A similar idea popped in my head when I saw a truck with ANA written on the side.

Lastly, here's the long awaited short story I wrote for Extension English. At one point I was so bored I decided to see if I could get the phrase 'ass dick' into my story. Here's my attempt.

Edit: Due to retardation by Blogger, the pages are ordered 1,3,2,4.