

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Things that happen to other people.

So in the holidays I went to Hawaii, spent four days at Lahaina, Maui and another six at Honolulu, Oahu. The culture is pretty tourist based and seems to have lost all its value, focussing on making money more than keeping their- this sounds like navigating the global so I'm gonna stop. It was rather uneventful except for almost dying in the middle of the ocean. Very nasty affair. Must remember never to go on a boat again. But I got rescued by the Coast Guard which was fun, albeit borderline conscious.

After I got back not much happened for the next couple of weeks, spent most of my time playing Left 4 Dead 2, until I received 2nd prize on Steam's Christmas Giveaway. However due to my laziness, I didn't update my wishlist, resulting on winning prizes from last year's giveaway. I still got myself BF: Bad Company 2, COD: Black Ops, Monday night combat, Poker night at the inventory and Dead Rising 2.

The other night I had a sleepover with about 25 other guys. No homo. Pretty much gamed all night and morning. By 11am the next morning I was in need of some proper food, because this is all we ate.

I reckon after seeing 50 odd packets of migoreng getting cooked, you sort of lose your appetite. Should have tried using the bathtub rather than just 1 pot.

As the night progressed and the early hours came by, people started collapsing all over the place. Which is why we decided to mess with their sleeping bodies. People slept with crap on their faces for up to an hour, before they moved and turned in their sleep.

The other day I went to continue my pool aspirations despite considerable failure, afterwards leading to one of the best situational photos of all time. While eating at an underground Asian food court, a, shall we say dark-skinned fellow, appeared with a bottle of Coke. Now most people should be aware of the 'Share a Coke with xxx' campaign. Well this is what he got.

However as university approaches, there's going to be less time for fun and games, but don't ever forget to enjoy yourselves.

"He dived into the conversation like a widow's peak!" - Shinpachi